Market Research & Marketing
AI based market research platform with synthetic profilesA Market Research client decided to develop an innovative platform based on LLMs and synthetic profiles. The aim is to achieve a high conversion rate among end-users and to revolutionise the market for opinion polls.

Industry 4.0, Manufacturing
Optimisation of production line parameters with VertexAIManufacturing efficiency in factories is subject to a wide range of constantly changing factors. Machine operators and other qualified production workers need to keep monitoring the particular stages of production and, if need be, respond appropriately and immediately. These manual technical activities may take a few hours, generating bottlenecks in the manufacturing process.

Geospatial Data analytics platform modernizationStepwise was contacted by a company that already has their own technological solutions for collecting data from a variety of IoT sensors (end devices, e.g. Raspberry Pi). Their current device aggregates, stores and processes data for external clients.

Automated flight permit systemA client, PERMITS to Fly, came to us with an idea. Based on their many years of experience in the aviation industry, they decided to create a digital product that will automate the permit application process. All based on ICAO and IATA standards. The question was how to create a reliable and useful solution that would meet all the requirements of such a demanding industry?

Ontology and taxonomy management
Intelligent Taxonomy ManagerMondeca is a company that develops market-leading software for taxonomy, ontology, and content annotation management. They have over 10 years of successful experience delivering products to major organizations in Europe and North America.

Data driven prop-tech platformSpica Technologies Ltd is a global prop-tech company, offering services and technologies for the management of properties, facilities and building equipment. The main area of cooperation with Stepwise is developing a cloud-based platform for workplace experience management.

AI Platform for risk decision engineWe created a fully scalable SaaS platform, which is now successfully implemented by 4 end clients. We have conducted complex integrations with 3rd party solutions offering risk assessment and borrower verification services. We have made sure that the final product follows the PSD2 and GDPR guidelines.

Real Estate
Digital Passport for BuildingsDigital Building Passport is our response to the changing world - protecting the environment through energy saving and the EU directive on reducing energy consumption by 2050.The application is intended mainly for property managers, construction developers and local government institutions. It will allow to easily, e.g. control buildings status, plan renovation.

Network Monitoring Tool for TelecomTelecom Company works with its customers to plan, run and optimize their mobile networks to increase performance, customer satisfaction, market position and return on investment. Established during the fast growth of the mobile communications market in the nineties, Telecom Company has established itself as a competent, reliable and flexible key player in the market.

Healthcare, Accessibility Innovations
Mobile App for NGOSince 2003, Signes de sens has been making learning, information and culture accessible to people with sensory, cognitive, mental and psychological disabilities. They provide concrete solutions to the problems encountered by the most vulnerable people, and thus improve the experience of all, in a logic of universal design.

Energy, Utilities, Smart Grid, Smart Cities
Smart Integration Platform for Digital UtilitiesThe platform itself is cloud native by definition and built around cutting-edge technologies. The main challenge was to help end customers integrate various systems easier and faster by providing pre-defined connectors, adapters and a monitoring system. Another challenge we had to face was management of complex data flows ...

Fintech, Renewable Energy
Renewable Energy funding acquisition portalThe client tried to create an ambitious and sophisticated SaaS platform targeted at the broadly understood Renewable Energy sector in the German market. The solution was to connect the world of private investors, visionaries and local businesses with the world of finance and corporations ready to invest in a quickly developing sector of the economy.

Digital Marketing
Digital Platform for capital raise and investors attractionFrom a business perspective the main challenge was to ensure the user an easy and fluent experience with the app while they start one of the 5 marketing programs. The UX Design phase was crucial here and due to the Time To Market factor it had to be carried out in parallel to the software development process.

Business Consulting
Digital Transformation in CloudWe conducted a thorough technical audit of the currently used systems and implemented cloud solutions based on GCP and Azure. The project involved a full configuration of the cloud infrastructure as well as performance improvements in the existing systems to allow real-time processing of large data quantities.

Healthcare, Public
Web application for data analysisCodersco, our big data partner from Amsterdam, was building a platform that integrates public healthcare data from different sources. They needed someone to design and develop the platform’s frontend that could be used by a group of diverse end users ranging from the Dutch Ministry of Health to patients and providers.

Business App
Interface for Detecting EmotionsQemotion is an AI company that specializes in the development and distribution of online marketing based on emotional analysis. They are a worldwide leader in detecting emotional impact in customer reviews, comments and emails which can be later translated into actionable insights for marketing strategies and business decisions.

Unstructured Data Analysis
Interface for Smart Content FactoryA modern, efficient and scalable user interface was created for the Content Auto-tagging Manager system. On the basis of the refreshed application, the Customer may at any time be able to reuse components in the entire range of his applications.The outcome of our work is an improved end user journey experience, resulting ...

Market Research Industry
Market Research PlatformA Dutch-Singapore startup contacted us with a request to build a product that will focus on technological capabilities for the market research industry, improving the management and deployment of questionnaires, survey data and data integration projects.

Shared Office, Office as a Service, Coworking
Intelligent Meeting Booking SystemRoomzilla contacted Stepwise with a request to help develop the frontend part of their application in Vue.js technology. Our team, although experienced in various frontend technologies, very quickly had to jump to a high level in this technology that we have never previously used commercially.

Online Sport Media
Online Media Google Cloud infra refinementAfter a short audit and analysis of the technical problem, Stepwise decided to transfer all WordPress servers to the Kubernetes cluster, which provided Service discovery and load balancing, Storage orchestration, Automated rollouts and rollbacks, self-healing, auto-scaling, and monitoring, alerting.

Consulting & Advisory
Marketplace for ConsultantsClearvision approached us with an idea for a product, defined business model and target audience. In this case, the biggest problem was the technological stack imposed by the IT department, which was great for a MVP, but would not work at all when scaling.

Scaling up Mobile AppOur client already has a working mobile application for managing sports teams (football teams, basketball teams etc.). The application had features like scheduling training sessions, games and communicating with players. Additionally, you could track the results of major leagues in a given country. There was also a betting feature with integrated payments.