Web application for data analysis

  • Codersco, Zorginstitute
  • Healthcare, Public
  • The Netherlands
  • 11.2018 - 11.2019

Project Background

Codersco, our big data partner from Amsterdam, was building a platform that integrates public healthcare data from different sources. They needed someone to design and develop the platform’s frontend that could be used by a group of diverse end users ranging from the Dutch Ministry of Health to patients and providers. An additional challenge was that the end client had only a vague idea of what the platform should look like and behave.

Main Challenge

Design and build the frontend of a web-based data platform following extremely vague end client requirements.

Our Approach

We started with UX Design process, mockups, suggestions and technical insights that were based on end client requirements. After a few mockup iterations, we found the best possible solution that satisfies various groups of end-users. Next step was choosing the best frontend technology for the project and start MVP development. We worked in an agile manner with short iterations and bi-weekly demos to a client. Thanks to a very good collaboration between all involved parties (design, development and Product Owner), we were able to deliver a solution that stored all necessary data and displayed it in a user-friendly interface.

Final Outcome

The result of our work was a fully functional web application that allowed end users to compare and analyse large quantities of data in an intuitive manner, including customization. The product has received a very positive feedback from end users during usability testing sessions. What was praised the most was the ease with which users were able to navigate the app and use its data-browsing and comparison functionalities. To top it all off, l our client and big data partner were also impressed with the quick pace, flexibility and high quality of front end work provided by Stepwise’s developers.



Icon: React Programming Language
icon: Typescript programming
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