Marketplace for Consultants

  • Clearvision
  • Consulting & Advisory
  • United Kingdom
  • 012017 - 12.2017

Project Background

Our client is a platinum partner of Atlassian, a global IT giant that produces software for Developers and Project Managers such as JIRA, wiki and Confluence. Despite the success story in the area of consulting and selling licenses, Clearvision decided to diversify its business model and create a new product. A marketplace for Atlassian consultants.

Main Challenge

Clearvision approached us with an idea for a product, defined business model and target audience. In this case, the biggest problem was the technological stack imposed by the IT department, which was great for a MVP, but would not work at all when scaling.

Our Approach

The two main goals presented to us by the Product Owner were the scalability of the system in the future and time-to-market of the MVP. Stepwise proposed an alternative technology stack and convinced the client to change the originally planned tech stack. We used Grails (JVM), which is ideal for rapid prototyping and scaling in the future. The application was put on Amazon’s cloud.

As a part of the development process of the application, we have implemented SCRUM methodology for the client.

Final Outcome

Working in short sprints and creating weekly demos enabled us to deliver a ready, fully functional Marketplace after just 3 months of work. Stepwise finished the product before an important conference, where our client could present a fully-rounded solution. Most importantly, the new product immediately caught the attention of potential users and customers who would be interested in using the marketplace, which was crucial for our client.



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