Interface for Detecting Emotions

  • Qemotion
  • Business App
  • France
  • 08.2017 - 03.2018

Project Background

Qemotion is an AI company that specializes in the development and distribution of online marketing based on emotional analysis. They are a worldwide leader in detecting emotional impact in customer reviews, comments and emails which can be later translated into actionable insights for marketing strategies and business decisions. Our role was twofold – help them develop their User Interface and improve existing architecture in terms of performance and security.

Main Challenge

Provide best-in-class User Interface solutions for the end users’ B2B platform.

Our Approach

We started off with a pilot project using Google Maps to present the clients’ locations (ie. stores and and banking institutions) with the aggregated satisfaction levels collected from their customer feedback. We customized the map UI interface to comply with Qemotion’s brand identity and adjust to large data quantities. The end user was also given freedom to control the map scale and focus on particular locations. The next step after the pilot was the development of a new feature presenting customer insights by utilizing complex data-driven animations integrated with React.

Another feature we helped to create used analytics to display opinions from plane passengers on their satisfaction with seats they booked on particular flights. Finally, we developed a UI for a complex reporting tool collecting data on various aspects of activities performed by the internal employees and clients using Qemotion’s platform. We also proposed new solutions to improve the performance and security of the frontend architecture of the system.

Final Outcome

The end result of our collaboration with Qemotion is a fully functional product ready to implement on the end user side. What our client appreciated the most about our contribution to the project was the high quality of code and ease with which you can scale the architecture of the final solution.



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