Generative AI

Automatically generate content, personalise your marketing and support your staff with LLMs!

Have you ever used ChatGPT?
We bet you have!


Generative AI is now much more that just ChatGPT

  1. You have paid and closed Large Language Models like ChatGPT, Google Gemini, Microsoft Copilot, and Claude.
    But apart from that there are thousands of smaller OPEN generative AI platforms on HuggingFace website. They are often very specialized in solving a particular business case.
  2. Gen AI is not only about text-to-text. You can also generate images, videos, graphics etc.
  3. Specialised LLMs have entered the market. HeyGen is a great example of that. If you want to generate a video of a person talking about you products, the first approach is to go with RunwayML which is great in text-to-video. It is great for cinematic videos etc. but doesn’t handle well people natural movements or even correct number of fingers. That is why you go, for example, with HeyGen which is a more specialised too for not only text-to-video generation but with a focus on AI Avatars.
  4. The changes in the LLM world are so rapid you need people who specialise in this. OpenAI stand alone bring new features very quickly and then you have hundreds of other models with new capabilities every week! That is why we are here to offer you our guidance.

Why do you need help in implementing Generative AI for your organization?

There is a big difference between using ChatGPT for your personal & business needs and building a solution based on one of the Generative AI platforms to be used in your organisation. The road to getting meaningful results requires handling 4 major areas that are crucial for such complex AI Software Development projects.

Ensure the Quality of Results

  • Conduct many iterations of tuning to improve quality of end results
  • Avoid AI hallucinations & biases
  • Regularly update and review training data
  • Implement cross-validation techniques

Keep Costs and Response Time Down

  • Optimize computational resources
  • Reduce model inference times
  • Implement cost-effective cloud solutions
  • Monitor and adjust system performance

Protect Data Privacy and Enforce Security

  • Use encryption and secure data storage
  • Ensure compliance with data protection regulations
  • Apply strict access controls and authentication
  • Continuously monitor for security breaches

Scalability and Optimization

  • Develop scalable models and infrastructure
  • Implement cloud-based solutions
  • Tailor models for different platforms
  • Conduct regular performance assessments

Case study


AI based market research platform

We have built a a market research platform using a combination of AI and Machine learning solutions, including Large Language Models. We used pattern recognition tools to build sythetic profiles of the entire cross-section of society.


  • Conversion rate exceed the market average by ensuring that members can complete 80% or more of the surveys they accept.
  • The answers created by the algorithms are very close to the representative social group targeted by market research.
  • Smaller companies and entities can afford the cross-sectional market research at an affordable price that the algorithm simulates.

Let’s start with a Proof of Concept

The best way to test Generative AI for your business to build a Proof of Concept with us. Once it is successful, we will move forward to develop MVP and a fully scalable solution.


How to build a solution with Generative AI?

Building AI software with Generative AI like ChatGPT requires a comprehensive approach that includes various activities to ensure the system works effectively and efficiently.

1. Data Preparation and Transformation

1. Data Preparation and Transformation

Collect and clean relevant datasets, transform them into suitable formats for training, and augment the data to enhance model performance.
2. Fine-Tuning

2. Fine-Tuning

Fine-tune the model on specific datasets, and optimize hyperparameters for better performance.
3. Parameters and Configuration

3. Parameters and Configuration

Define model architecture and parameters, set up the computing environment and necessary APIs to ensure smooth integration and operation.
4. Workflow Automation

4. Workflow Automation

Develop automated data pipelines, implement CI/CD practices for seamless integration and deployment, and set up monitoring and logging systems.
5. Tuning and Optimization

5. Tuning and Optimization

Optimize the model for performance and efficiency, design the system for scalability, and manage computational resources effectively.
6. Additional Tools and Modules

6. Additional Tools and Modules

Develop user interfaces, implement backend services, ensure security, consider ethical implications, conduct comprehensive testing, and provide ongoing maintenance and user support.

4 most popular Generative AI technologies

Here are the top technologies that have practical implementations in the business world. They can work both ways, for example if we have Audio-to-Text you can also have Text-to-Audio.



Uses AI to generate new text based on input text, useful for applications like content creation, summarization, translation, and conversational AI.

  • Customer Service - automated chatbots like OpenAI's ChatGPT that provide customer support by generating natural language responses to customer queries.
  • Content Creation - helping marketers and writers generate blog posts, social media content, and marketing copy efficiently.
  • Healthcare - analyze patient feedback and generate actionable insights for improving patient care.



Converts textual descriptions into images, enabling applications such as content creation, advertising, and design.

  • Advertising and Marketing - creating custom images from textual descriptions for ad campaigns, enhancing visual content.
  • E-commerce - generating product images from text descriptions to improve online shopping experiences and reduce the need for extensive photoshoots.
  • Entertainment - creating and modifing artwork based on textual descriptions, aiding in concept art development for movies and games.



Converts textual content into video formats, useful for creating automated marketing videos, tutorials, and visual storytelling.

  • Education - generating educational videos from text scripts, making it easier to create engaging video content for e-learning platforms.
  • Marketing - transforming blog posts and written content into videos, helping marketers repurpose content into different formats.
  • Real Estate - creating personalized video messages for real estate agents to send to clients, enhancing communication and marketing efforts.



Transcribes spoken words into written text, commonly used in customer service, meeting transcription, and accessibility services.

  • Legal - providing transcription services for legal depositions, ensuring accurate and timely documentation of spoken proceedings.
  • Media and Entertainment - transcribing interviews and podcasts, making it easier for journalists and producers to create written content from audio recordings.
  • Healthcare - transcribing doctors' notes and patient consultations, improving record-keeping and allowing healthcare providers to focus more on patient care.