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AI Assessment & Strategy

Navigate AI's complexities with a strategic compass, transforming vision into value

Are you looking for ways to introduce
AI to your business?


Are you looking for ways to introduce
AI to your business?

3 things to know about AI!

  1. AI Development is not rocket science. It is an evolution 
of the software development with data-first approach and around 20% of AI components.
  2. Despite the AI hype, don’t expect quick results. Start with a Proof of Concept and join the AI long-term game. 
The sooner you enter the race, the better.
One business case at a time.

Download a report!


How does it work?

We find one strong business case to adapt AI to and then check the results with a Proof of Concept. If it is successful we move forward to develop MVP and a fully-scalable solution.


AI Automation

According to Goldman Sachs you can automate various areas of your business with AI even up to 46% of tasks

Task that can be automated with AI by roles/jobs

Source: Goldman Sachs Global Investments Research (March 2023)

Finance & Fintech

Finance & Fintech

  • Fraud Detection: Automate the identification of suspicious transactions and patterns to prevent fraud.
  • Customer Service: Use AI chatbots to handle common customer inquiries and support tasks.
  • Risk Assessment: Automate the analysis of financial data to assess creditworthiness and risk levels.

Marketing & Digital

Marketing & Digital

  • Personalized Campaigns: Automate the creation and delivery of personalized marketing campaigns based on user behavior.
  • Content Generation: Automate the creation of engaging content, from social media posts to blogs, ensuring a constant stream of relevant victuals for your audience.
  • Lead Scoring: Automate the scoring and prioritization of leads based on engagement and demographic data.

IT & Technology

IT & Technology

  • Help Desk Support: Automate the resolution of common IT support queries with AI-driven chatbots.
  • AI Solutions for Start-ups: Build dedicated SaaS platforms for new businesses based on AI functionalities
  • Observability: Implement AI-driven observability to provide real-time insights and proactive alerts on system health and performance.



  • Data Collection: Automate the gathering of data from various sources for research purposes.
  • Scientific Paper Review: Use AI to analyze and summarize scientific papers, identifying key findings and trends.
  • Experiment Analysis: Automate the analysis of experimental data to identify trends and insights.

Case study


AI Platform for risk decision engine

We created a SaaS platform from scratch that enables loan and credit businesses to make quicker and smarter decisions. This was achieved using a decision-facilitating and scoring engine based on AI and ML mechanisms.


  • 80% cost reduction on new features
  • 80% maintenance costs reduction;
  • 50% infrastructure cost reduction

AI Assessment

Let’s find out how you can benefit from AI – optimising costs, improving efficency, maximise customer experience…

1. AI trends & market benchmarking

Where to start?

Where to start?

Understanding the current landscape of AI and how competitors are utilizing it.

2. AI Business Analysis

How to use AI?

How to use AI?

Evaluating how AI can use adress specific business challenges and opportunities.

3. AI Use Case Identification

What kind of solutions?

What kind of solutions?

Pinpointing specific, actionable AI applications relevant to the client’s business.

4. AI Business Case Validation

What are the benefits?

What are the benefits?

Assessing the feasibility, impact, and ROI of pontential AI soulutions

Design your AI Strategy

Let’s build an AI Strategy to see how you can introduce AI to your business

Long-Term Planning

Organizational Alignment
Technology Forecasting
Goal Setting
Strategic Framework

Financial Planning

Budget Allocation
ROI Budget Allocation
Funding Strategy
Cost-Benefit Analysis

Risk Assessment

Risk Identification
Risk Quantification
Risk Mitigation Plans
Compliance Check

Implementation Plan

Business Roadmap Creation
Resource Allocation
Key Performance Indicators (KPI) Execution & Review

Download a whitepaper

Learn how to build an AI strategy for your business!

“How to build an AI strategy for your business?”

Download a white paper to find out how to introduce AI to your company by learning this new tech area step by step:

  • What are AI and Machine Learning?
  • What trends in AI to look for in 2024?
  • What are the 7 guidelines for introducing AI solutions to your company?
  • Building an AI strategy – start with AI Assessment first
  • Design your AI Strategy Roadmap
  • Turn your AI Strategy Roadmap into the first Proof of Concept (PoC)
Download a white paper!
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